Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Impressions about Sub National Governance Institutions

My Impressions about Sub National Governance Institutions:


My Impression about the Local Governance Institution is this is very new process in Afghanistan. District Development Assemblies (DDAs) are converting informal Shuras (committees) to formal local governance institutions. Informal social/village leaders called Khan, Malik, Qadir are still more powerful then members / executive officials of DDAs. Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) are trying to establish formal local governance institutions as per Sub National Governance Policy (SNGP) of the country. These DDAs more democratically elected representative. Some of the case it is noticed there is some indifferences between people’s representatives and local bureaucrats District Governor’s especially in the case of corruption and transparency. Geographical difficulties to travel one places in to another places is most constraints. Security is one of the most crucial situations in this country. Many districts along the broader site of Pakistan is still high influence of Taliban or anti government forces.

Despite above mentioned difficulties Community Development Councils (CDCs) and District Development Assemblies (DDAs) are most visible and successful local governance institutions at the sub national governance (district) level. Sub National Governance Initiatives very new in Afghanistan and there are huge possibilities to support for establishment, strengthen and institutionalizations, resource mobilization to the local governance institutions at at the local level. There is need of formal election as per Independent Election Commission (IEC) of these exiting LG institutions to make them formal and legitimize institutions per the local development which is help to reduce poverty and improvement rural livelihoods of the prosperous future of the Afghanistan. It is long way to walk.
